Powder Metallurgy

Aides électroniques à la circulation sur les grands exes routiers

Activity Report -Miscellaneous 1995-1996

Overview of the Activities in the Domain of Telecommunications and Information Science and Technology (TIST)

The Social Shaping of Multimedia - Proceedings

Methods for Detecting and Identifying Plant Pathogenic Fungi

Satellite Communications - From Fade Mitigation to Service Provision
- Pages: 418
- Publisher(s): European Space Agency
International workshop of COST Actions 272, 280. ESTEC, 26-28 May 2003, The Netherlands.

Agricultural Biomarkers for Array Technology
- Pages: 104
- Author(s): J.E. Frey and F. Pasquer
- Download PDF
- ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-033-01770-2
The main objective of the COST Action 853 was to establish and support microarray technology as a new tool for breeding, diagnosis, and high throughput screening in the field of agriculture. A major motivation behind tackling the task was an unsatisfactory situation in diagnostics of agronomically relevant organisms. At the onset of this Action, many different gene fragments of diverse genes were used by differeny laboratories for taxon identification. Thus, each diagnostic laboratory had to master a broad range of different analytical details, making the task of molecular diagnostics cumbersome and laborious. Therefore, simple and economic methods were sought to allow robust identification at the required taxonomic level for a wide range of organisms.

Overview of the Activities in the Domain of Telecommunications and Information Science and Technology (TIST)
- Publisher(s): COST Office
- ISBN/ISSN: 2-912049-43-1
COST-TIST covers all COST activities in the field of Telecommunications and Information Science and Technology, from fundamental research to services and applications. TIST Actions have successfully contributed to the aims of the European Research Area by bringing a large set of national, industrial, and university research in the field together into a common framework of research objectives.