
EV-TRACK: transparent reporting and centralizing knowledge in extracellular vesicle research

2017 | Action BM1202

Gerontechnology - A Sustainable Investment in the Future Vol 48

1998 | Action A5

Biometrics and ID Management - COST 2101 European Workshop, BioID 2011 Brandenburg (Havel), Gemany, March 2011 Proceedings

2012 | Action 2101

Wideband Digital Local Telecommunications Networks


La politique communautaire de la recherche et de la technologie: ses développements jusqu'en 1984

1985 | Action null

COST TC - Social Sciences - Activity Report 1997-99 ( 2 copies)

1999 | Action null

What can nanosurface materials do for us?

2012 | Action MP0901

Tâtigkeitsberiocht COST 1989-1990

1991 | Action null

COST Evaluation - Annexes & Appendices

1997 | Action null

EV-TRACK: transparent reporting and centralizing knowledge in extracellular vesicle research

2017 | Action BM1202

In this paper, the authors argue that the field of extracellular vesicle (EV) biology needs more transparent reporting to facilitate interpretation and replication of experiments. To achieve this, we describe EV-TRACK, a crowdsourcing knowledgebase (

) that centralizes EV biology and methodology with the goal of stimulating authors, reviewers, editors and funders to put experimental guidelines into practice.

Biometrics and ID Management - COST 2101 European Workshop, BioID 2011 Brandenburg (Havel), Gemany, March 2011 Proceedings

2012 | Action 2101

This volume of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS) constitutes the final publication of the EU COST 2101 Action “Biometrics for Identity Documents and Smart Cards,” which has been successfully running during the years 2006-2010. One of the many valuable outputs of this initiative is the realization of a new scientific workshop series, dedicated to the project’s goals: the “European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management (BioID).” This series started in 2008 with the first workshop at Roskilde University, Denmark (BioID 2008) and continued with a second event, hosted by the Biometrics Recognition Group (ATVS) of the Escuela Polit´ecnica Superior, Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid, Spain in 2009 (BioID MultiComm 2009). From the very beginning, the research papers of BioID workshops have been published as Springer LNCS volumes; vol. 5372 (2008) and vol. 5707 (2009).

What can nanosurface materials do for us?

2012 | Action MP0901

Nanomaterials promise a revolution in many areas of life, from electronics, to sensors and healthcare, industrial materials, food, security and transport. By reducing power consumption, device size or air pollution, or increasing the velocity of data transfer.