Analysis of Organic Micropommutants in Water - Activity Report 1978-1981 Vol 1
Urban Heritage Building Maintenance - Iron & Steel
Anlysis of Organic Micropollutants in Water
5th International Conference on the Molecular Biology of Hydrogenases
Ecologia Mediterranea - Revue Internationale d'Ecologie Méditerranéenne - The Sustainability of Chestnut Forest in the Mediterranean Region
Evaluation of COST Project 11(1972-77) and Project 11bis (1980-83) on "Teleinformatics"
The Top Seven Diseases of the Forest Nursary in Europe
Survey of Agrometeorological Practices and Applications in Europe regarding Climate Change Impacts
- Pages: 320
- Author(s): P. Nejedlik and S. Orlandini
- Publisher(s): Copisteria Sangallo
The main objective of the Action is the evaluation of possible impacts from climate change and variability on agriculture and the assessment of critical thresholds for various European areas.
This book has to be considered as a general description of the activity performed in Europe in the field of climate change and variability impacts on agriculture. The wide range of presented information, including date, models, indices, methods, tools, can represent a useful support for the workers of agricultural sectors (farmers, technicians, decision makers, etc.) to better plan the analysis and the adaptation of European agriculture to climate change and variability impacts.
Improvements in the Control Methods for Warble Fly in Livestock - Final Report
- Pages: 139
- Author(s): N. Boemare, F. Coudert
- ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-828-2604-1
- EUR: 17534
This volume contains an overview of the state of hypodermosis in Europe and describes some of the fundamental research on warble flies of cattle, goats and deer. This research was conducted over the last 6 years under the auspices of the European COST Action 811, which provided the framework for close collaboration between scientists from 14 participating countries.