
Der Einfluss der Atmosphâre auf die Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer wellen auf satellit-erde-strecker bei frequenzen ûber 10 GHz

1985 | Action 205

Mycorrhiza and Plant Development Pattern


Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mammary Gland Biotechnology

1998 | Action 825

Special Section: Fisheries Reproductive Biology in "Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science"

2011 | Action FA0601

Culture and Sustainability in European Cities - Imagining Europolis

2015 | Action IS1007

Population Studies of Airborne Pathogens on Cereal as a Means of Improving Strategies for Disease Control - Annual Report

1997 | Action 817

Turbomacchine '96

1996 | Action null

Responce of the EC Expert Group on the Urban Environment to the Communication "Towards an Urban Agenda in the EU)

1998 | Action null

Evaluation of sStraws in Ruminant Feeding


Special Section: Fisheries Reproductive Biology in "Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science"

2011 | Action FA0601

This is the monograph from FRESH Workshop on histology held in June 2009 in Cádiz. The objectives of this workshop were to present a wide range of histological approaches being used to better understand the reproductive dynamics of fishes and to promote discussion of reproductive themes critical to sustainable fisheries within an histological context. A major consideration of the workshop were the effects of fecundity, atresia, intersex, and other histological indicators on reproductive potential, and how these histological observations can be used as ecosystem status indicators.

Culture and Sustainability in European Cities - Imagining Europolis

2015 | Action IS1007

This book reveals in a pluralistic way how European cities are generating new approaches to their sustainable development, and the special contribution of culture to these processes. It addresses both a deficit of attention to small and medium-sized cities in the framework of European sustainable development, and an underestimation of the role of culture, artistic expression and creativity for integrated development of the city as a prerequisite to urban sustainability. On the basis of a broad collection of case studies throughout Europe, representing a variety of regionally specific cultural models of sustainable development, the book investigates how participative culture, community arts, and more generally, creativity of civic imagination are conducive to the goal of a sustainable future of small and medium-sized cities.