
The COST Manual of Laboratory Animal Care and Use – Refinement, Reduction, and Research

2010 | Action B24

Guide pour Planification des Essais Fromagers et l'Analyse Statistique des Résultats

1998 | Action 95

Comportement Physico-chimique des Polluants Atmospheriques - Rapport d'activite 1978-1980


Research into Networks and Distributrd Applications EUTECO'88

1988 | Action 11

Ruminants' Mycoplasmoses - Short Report 1998

1997 | Action 826

EC Research Funding - A Guide to Applicants

1990 | Action null

Startegies for Assessing the Safety of Foods Produced by Biotechnology

1991 | Action null

About COST 2005


Evaluation technique et economique des programmes nationaux de trollybus bi-mode en Europe-Rapport finale Theme3

1985 | Action 303

The COST Manual of Laboratory Animal Care and Use – Refinement, Reduction, and Research

2010 | Action B24

In laboratory animal science, four working groups were established to discuss the housing of animals, environmental needs, refinement of procedures, genetically modified animals, and cost-benefit analysis. Based on the activities of these working groups, this book provides the European best practices for individuals and institutions working with laboratory animals. The text also provides a guide for the ethical evaluation of experiments and procedures involving animals.