
LA politique communautaire de recherche et développement technologique - (2 copies)

1994 | Action null

European Network for Strawberry Evaluation - Working Group 2

1999 | Action 836

Technischer ausschuss "Ozeanographie/meterologie"

| Action 72

State-of-the-art Report, Vol 1

2003 | Action E13

COST Networking at the Hub of Success


Effects of Processing and Distribution on the Quality and Nutritive Value of Foods - First Annual Report


Laser Optofluidics in Fighting Multiple Drug Resistance

2017 | Action MP1106

Digital Land Mobile Radio Communications

1989 | Action 207

Bilanz der COST Zusammenarbeit seit ihrem bestehen

1989 | Action null

COST Networking at the Hub of Success


This brochure presents a selection of COST Actions across a wide range of fields, which have either recently been completed or which have already achieved significant successes.

Laser Optofluidics in Fighting Multiple Drug Resistance

2017 | Action MP1106

This publication relates to

COST Action 


 Smart and green interfaces – from single bubbles and drops to industrial, environmental and biomedical applications