
Biogenically Active Amines in Food : Volume VII

2005 | Action 917

Green Structure and Urban Planning - Final Report

2005 | Action C11

Improvements in Control Methods for Warble-fly in Cattle and Goats

1992 | Action 811

Chimia Special Issue: Free Radicals in Chemical Biology

2008 | Action CM0603

Satellite Data Availability, Methods and Challenges for the Assessment of Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Agriculture

2011 | Action 734

Crop Development for Cool and Wet Climate of Europe - Workshop

1999 | Action 814

Xjenza Online - Journal of Malta Chamber of Scientists

2013 | Action CM1103

Inventory of European Food Composition Database and Tables

2000 | Action 99

Méthodes de Détection et d'Identification des Maladies en Pépiniéres forestiéres

1995 | Action 813

Biogenically Active Amines in Food : Volume VII

2005 | Action 917
  • Pages: 339
  • Author(s): D. M. L. Morgan, F. Bauer, A. White
  • Publisher(s): EU Publications Office (OPOCE)
  • ISBN/ISSN: 92-898-0007-0 | 92-898-0007-0
  • EUR: 21523

The COST 917 Action ‘Biogenic Amines in Food’ has been running for 5 years, from September 1996 to September 2001. Six volumes of COST 917 proceedings have been published. Volume I deal with ‘Biologically Active Amines in Transgenic Plants’. The ‘Metabolic Effects of Biologically Active Amines in Food’ are discussed in Volume II. The two topics in Volume III are ‘Biologically Active Amines in Food Processing and Amines Produced by Bacteria’ and ‘Polyamines and Tumour Growth’. Volume IV contains contributions to the first General Workshop, in which all Working Groups participated. Volume V contains papers presented at the second meetings on ‘Polyamines and Tu mour Growth’ and ‘Biologically Active Amines in Food Processing and Amines Produced by Bacteria’. In Volume VI are papers from the meeting on ‘Biologically Active Amines: Metabolism and Physiology and the third meeting devoted to Biologically Active Amines in food processing and Amines Produced by Bacteria.
The contents of Volumes I-VI are in Appendix II. This, the last volume in the series, contains papers presented at the final meeting of COST Action 917, ‘Biologically Active Amines in Food’ held in Krems, Austria, from October 10th to October 14th, 2001. The sessions included the second workshop of Working Group 1, ‘Biologically Active Amines in Transgenic Plants’; the fourth workshop of Working Group 2, ‘Polyaminesand Tumour Growth’; the fourth workshop of Working Group 3, ‘Physiology and Metabolism of biologically active amines’; the sixth workshop of Working Group 4 ‘Biologically Active Amines in Food Processing and Amines Produced by Bacteria’.
Biogenic amines in food can be important indicators of food spoilage and food safety. Some foods may contain biogenic amines at levels that may cause acute food intoxication.
The Management Committee of COST Action 917 has collected data from participating laboratories on the amine content of foods and this data is included as Appendix I in this volume.

Green Structure and Urban Planning - Final Report

2005 | Action C11

The COST Action C11, ‘Green structure and urban planning’, was launched at the beginning of 2000. Fifteen countries were involved in this action and about 40 delegates and experts participated. COST Action C11 belongs to the ‘Urban civil engineering’ domain of the COST programme. The main objective of this action was to address researchers, planners and practitioners about the multitude of roles played by the city’s green structure. In order to progress in its work, COST Action C11 was organised in three working groups: one on the ecological approach of green structure, the second on the ‘human issues’; and a third dealing with the policy aspects. The final seminar was open to ‘key-note speakers’ who could add their own contribution to this report and, to conclude, a kind of synthesis stresses some questions still worth of reflection.

Improvements in Control Methods for Warble-fly in Cattle and Goats

1992 | Action 811
  • Pages: 118
  • Author(s): G. Astbrink
  • ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-826-4092-0
  • EUR: 14351

Research in warble fly infestation.

Satellite Data Availability, Methods and Challenges for the Assessment of Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Agriculture

2011 | Action 734

This book presents the results of the studies on satellite data availability, methods and challenges for the assessment of climate change and variability impacts on agriculture, which were obtained by working group 2.1 in the COST Action 734. The main objective of the Action was the evaluation of possible impacts from climate change and variability on agriculture and the assessment of critical thresholds for various European areas. Secondary objectives were: the collection and review of existing agroclimatic indices and simulation models, to assess hazard impacts on various European agricultural areas relating hazards to climatic conditions; building climate scenarios for the next few decades; the definition of harmonised criteria to evaluate the impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture and the definition of warning systems guidelines. This book specifically focuses on the findings of working group 2.1 who addressed remote sensing including the evaluation and assessment of the use of satellite data for agro-climate research, and in particular their integration into high-quality, globally-integrated climate products.

Inventory of European Food Composition Database and Tables

2000 | Action 99