The case for COST Actions – 10th European Innovation Summit


Solving today and tomorrow’s societal challenges will require new ambitious models of research and innovation, which will be increasingly cross-border, interdisciplinary and data-driven.

The 10th European Innovation Summit took place between the 26 – 29 November 2018 in and around the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. The programme aimed to address hot topics on the policy agenda, emerging technologies and sector development.

MEP Brando Benifei addresses Data Driven Innovation in a connected world
MEP Brando Benifei opens outlining the main challenges and hurdles regarding the use of research data in cross-border and interdisciplinary research and innovation networks.

On 27 November COST and Knowledge4Innovation organised a joint session entitled ‘Data driven innovation in a connected world.’ The session, which was attended by Members of the European Parliament, EU Policy makers, EU Research and Development stakeholders and industry representatives, looked at the use, openness and interoperability of data.  Before considering future pathways for data-driven research and innovation and the associated implications these pathways would have for future EU policies and funding programmes.

MEP Brando Benifei, opened the event, outlining the main challenges and hurdles regarding the use of research data in cross-border and interdisciplinary research and innovation networks. Ronald de Bruin, Director of the COST Association then gave a presentation on the work of COST, highlighting the organisation’s Mission Statement and strategic priorities:

“COST provides networking opportunities for researchers and innovators in order to strengthen Europe’s capacity to address scientific, technological and societal challenges.”

The 3 strategic priorities of COST:

  • Promoting and spreading excellence
  • Fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science
  • Empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators

Representatives from 4 COST Actions; Pnina Plaut, Dimitrios Koureas, Susanne Hollmann and Göran Kauermann then gave individual presentations on their personal experiences of using data in innovative ways and participating in an Action. Presentations then followed from Federico Milani and Edith Herczog. The event finished with a discussion and Q&A.

Ronald de Bruin plenary session Horizon Europe: The Future EU Reseach and Innovation Programme November 2018
Ronald de Bruin, Director of COST addresses a full room in the European Parliament regarding the future of research and innovation funding and the crucial role that networks play in enabling innovation to flourish.

On 28 November, Ronald de Bruin, Director of the COST Association was invited to be a speaker at a plenary session, held in the European Parliament, entitled, Horizon Europe: The future EU Research and Innovation Programme.

The session focused on new approaches that will shape direction for future R&I policies, ensuring the EU remains innovative and competitive during the remainder of Horizon 2020 and in the run up to Horizon Europe.

Ronald de Bruin, Director of COST stated during the session “COST creates an environment that systematically puts the focus on people, that makes their ideas prosper, and that encourages them to take initiatives. Science and innovation needs free, open spaces that can harness innovative thinking and fresh perspectives.”

Other notable speakers on the programme included Jean-David Malo, Director, DG Research and Innovation, Directorate B – “Open Innovation and Open Science” and Gerard de Graaf, Director of the Digital Single Market in Directorate-General “Communications Networks, Content and Technology.”


For more information on the 10th European Innovation Summit click here