
Interviews with quantum physicists

2012 | Action MP1006

COST Action MP1006 – the world’s first network focussed on the foundations of quantum mechanics – asked 13 major scientists in the field to explain quantum theory!

We embedded the introduction video below. Please click the link above to watch the other videos on the YouTube playlist as well.

COST Foresight 2030 - Eleonora Barbieri Masini


Organisation of European Society

TINNET - short-term scientific missions (part II)

2016 | Action BM1306

What TINNET researchers had to say about their short-term scientific missions

COST Training School


Early Stage Researchers take part in COST Training Schools across Europe.

Clouds, electricity, and climate

2015 | Action ES1005

What role does atmospheric electricity play in climate change? Two scientists (Mai-Mai Lam, from the British Antarctic Survey, in Cambridge UK, and Jean Lilensten from CNRS in Grenoble, France) discuss this topic. This movie was produced by COST action TOSCA (Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on climate), a multidisciplinary European network of scientists from 20 countries whose objective is to provide a better understanding of the hotly debated role of the Sun in climate change. For more information, and more movies, see

Let the solar wind blow

2015 | Action ES1005

How does the varying solar wind affect the Earth’s climate? Two scientists (Jean Lilensten from CNRS in Grenoble, and Laure Lefèvre, from the Royal Observatory of Belgium) discuss this topic. This movie was produced by TOSCA (Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on climate), a multidisciplinary European network of scientists from 20 countries whose objective is to provide a better understanding of the hotly debated role of the Sun in climate change. For more information, and more movies, see

Marc Caball at ESOF 2012


Dr Caball says COST plays a valuable role in the exchange and dissemination of ideas at European level. Dr Caball is the Chair of the COST Domain Committee for Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health (ISCH).

Skin cancer detection using laser imaging - Alexis Louis and Julien Namdar Irani, ESEO-SIAT, France


Both Alexis Louis and Julien Namdar Irani are young researchers at ESEO (Grande École d’ingénieurs généralistes) in France. In this interview they explain how the participation of early career investigators in the COST Actions help to develop their professional career and bring new opportunities.

The new COST proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval procedure


This presentation aims to offer a full overview on how to submit a successful COST Action proposal in time for the collection date set for 24 March 2015, at 12:00 noon, CET.