
COST Arts and Technologies (CAT) - Part 1


The rationale behind the COST Arts & Technologies (CAT) workshop is that there are considerable benefits to be drawn from integrating arts and technologies, to a much larger extent than ever before. Combining artistic creativity with technological expertise should in itself show great potential leading to new products, services and social innovations.

Bridging the Gap between Science and Art


A transdiciplinary event held in Sirolo, Italy, highlighting the creative and emotional processes behind any outstanding scientific discovery.

Paul Rübig, MEP, comments on COST's role for the future.


Interview taken at a breakfast meeting on COST held at the European Parliament on 18 October 2011. The breakfast was organised on the same day of the opening of the COST Exhibition hosted by Ms Pilar del Castillo Vera MEP.

The exhibition ‘Network of Science and Technology’ was a successful three-day event at the European Parliament, bringing together the COST science community, EU policy-makers and stakeholders in the field of research, technology and innovation.

Skin cancer detection using laser imaging - Prof Roberto Longo, ESEO, France


Prof Roberto Longo, from ESEO (Grande École d’ingénieurs généralistes) in France, explains how COST Actions such as BM 1205 can also enable to start new projects at a European level.

COST country profile: Bulgaria


Three Bulgarian researchers involved in COST Actions on medieval studies, ultrascale computing and nanotechnologies.

A member since 1997, Bulgarian researchers first became involved in COST Actions in the field of natural sciences, later on taking up a more active role in building COST Actions as members of the Actions’ core groups, also known as management committees.

This video was presented at the COST Committee of Senior Officials meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, 12-13 November 2014.

COST at the 2012 Gender Summit: Highlight Video


COST contributed to the latest European Gender Summit by organising a Science Café. The event also marked the launch of genderSTE, a new policy-driven targeted network to advance the state of the art in knowledge and policy implementation on gender, science, technology and environment.

For more information about genderSTE, please visit

COST Arts and Technologies (CAT) - Part 2


The rationale behind the COST Arts & Technologies (CAT) workshop is that there are considerable benefits to be drawn from integrating arts and technologies, to a much larger extent than ever before. Combining artistic creativity with technological expertise should in itself show great potential leading to new products, services and social innovations.

Graphene and the Carbon Revolution

2010 | Action MP0901

In October 2010 the Nobel Prize for Physics was won by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at Manchester University for their work on graphene but if you are left wondering just what graphene is and how it fits in the carbon family then watch this video made by VegaScienceTrust.

TINNET - short-term scientific missions

2016 | Action BM1306

Researchers part of the TINNET research network talk about their short-term scientific missions