
Discover how preclinical models will boost immunotherapy for cancer

2023 | Action CA21135

The IMMUNO-model COST Action aims to foster research and innovation in the field of preclinical immuno-oncology models with the ultimate goal of advancing in the treatment of cancer patients by improving their outcomes and quality of life.

Vascular Ageing for Clinicians

2023 | Action CA18216

VascAgeNet explain how vascular age can help clinicians to more accurately assess a patients cardiovascular risk over and above traditional risk factors.

The STAIRCASE Survey to improve working condition in Academia

2023 | Action CA19117

Your voice is crucial for improving the working conditions of academics. Discover how you can shape the future of academic working conditions by taking part in the ReMo COST Action STAIRCASE Survey:

Guidelines for prevention, screening and treatment of peripartum depression

2023 | Action CA18138

Riseup-PPD have just launched their evidence-based guidelines for peripartum depression. Let’s work together to create a world where every mother receives the support and care she deserves

Towards a decade of ocean science for sustainable development through acoustic animal tracking

2023 | Action CA18102

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are considered a blueprint to achieve sustainability for people and the planet.

DYK that acoustic telemetry can, in many ways, help to address some of the SDGs? Goal 14 ‘Life Below Water’ aims to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” and many of its targets can be directly addressed via the use of acoustic telemetry.

The European Tracking Network (ETN) tell us more.

All about ulva

2023 | Action CA20106

With this incredible poem & animation, SeaWheat share why we should be eating more Sea Lettuce, covering the benefits for both people & planet.

What is the CosmoVerse Action all about?

2023 | Action CA21136

Cosmology aims to study the universe to unlock its deepest secrets. The  COST Action CosmoVerse is addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics.


COREnet PhD Summer School 2023

2023 | Action CA20107

The COREnet PhD Summer School took place at the University of Vienna on July 12-16. Early-career researchers of the Action discussed religious and non-religious narratives on migration.

An introduction to Blastocystis

2023 | Action CA21105

Blastocystis is found in the gut of at least a billion people, not to mention so many more animals. Does it contribute to good health? Could it be a key to understanding our gut microbiome? Or does it cause disease? Is it a parasite that should be routinely treated with antibiotics? Despite it being extremely common, no one knows if it is a friend or if it is a foe.