
Demonstrating the effectiveness of bio-electrochemical systems (BESs) with PHOENIX

2023 | Action CA19123

PHOENIX aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of bio-electrochemical systems (BESs), which are low environmental impact systems that exploit the biological activity of living organisms for remediation, recycling of useful elements, synthesis of new products and production of electricity.

COST Action ODIN Training School III in Rouen, April 2023

2023 | Action CA18203

This Training School aimed to utilise the knowledge produced by other partners to develop standards/guidelines to optimise aerospace structures for structural health monitoring systems. Read more about Action CA18203 – COST

Amanda’s experience with medication adherence

2023 | Action CA19132

ENABLE explain why taking your medication following your agreed prescription is really important for those with chronic illness and raise awareness of adherence enhancing technological solutions.


2023 | Action CA20120

What is INTERACT all about? Meet the people begind the network and learn of opportunities available for those interested in making radio communication networks intelligent.

Introducing a new hydropower network: PEN@Hydropower

2023 | Action CA21104

PEN@Hydropower members provide great insight into their network of hydropower experts contributing sustainable hydropower in Europe.

Metals, Plants and People

2022 | Action CA19116

Did you know that metal in our diet is required for us to stay alive? PLANTMETALS dive into the role of plant metals and explain why they are both, required and toxic for plants and humans alike.

Tips for submitting a winning COST Action proposal


Are you ready to submit a winning COST Action proposal and turn your innovative ideas into reality? Discover the secrets to success in this video! Learn how to form a winning team, emphasise relevance and timeliness, and showcase your expertise. Find out how networking in Europe and beyond will maximise your impact on science and society. Get ready to deliver tangible results throughout the 4-year COST Action journey.

Where the wild things go

2023 | Action CA18102

What’s the European Tracking Network all about? Who are we? What do we do? And more importantly, why does our work matter? We track the underwater world using telemetry, in an effort to better understand, protect and management aquatic life. Find out a little bit about what we do here…

EndlessMetal - the project

2023 | Action IG16215

This video presents the ENDLESS Metal COST Innovators Grant. The project aims to provide cultural heritage professionals with low-cost & easy-to-use analytical tools to support metal heritage conservation. These tools will greatly assist the in-house diagnosis and investigation of corrosion, essential for establishing appropriate conservation strategies.