What cities think about COST Actions


Karina Marcus and Mickael Pero, Science Officers at COST, held the session at Welsh House, Brussels, with the objective to look into the main benefits of cities and regions participating in COST Actions, from their perspective. This event took an innovative approach by inviting one city representative and one academic from three COST Actions on smart cities ( CyberParks, Smart Energy Regions, Sub-Urban ).

Three testimonials highlighted key benefits from a city point of view:

  • Building bridges: connect with the relevant research community can support in finding solutions – as well as connect with other cities facing similar challenges
  • Priority setting: connect research communities with local priorities helps to find common areas of interest
  • Critical mass: involve research communities in key city challenges allows to increase the visibility and importance of the topic
  • Interdisciplinary: discuss with COST networks is an opportunity to relate with multiple research communities and point of views
  • Exploration: COST networks represent an access to different ideas offered by science and technology to solve daily problems for citizens
  • Acceleration: involving research communities can speed up the advancement of city projects

Stephanie Bricker, Team leader for Urban Geoscience, British Geological Survey presents at Welsh House

The event is considered a first step in deepening knowledge about collaborations between COST Actions and Cities.

More information is available in the presentations, which can be downloaded from the bottom of this page


Karina Marcus, +32 2 5333847, Karina.Marcus@cost.eu

Mickael Pero, +32 2 5333852, Mickael.Pero@cost.eu
